Open call for programme submissions for organisations until 30.11.

World Village Festival is taking place next summer on 29.–30.5.2021. The renewed festival’s theme is the future, which will be emphasized in programme selections, including in speeches, films and kid’s programme. Exhibitors and other participating organisations can also include the theme in their activities and content. We all have the opportunity to make an impact on the future today.  

Submission period for programme ideas will open on 10 October 2020. The festival is looking to identify speeches, interviews and films that are linked to the festival theme. This is the time to think through your organisation’s focus areas, goals and contacts, and make suggestions for fantastic content for the festival. As the time allocated for the programme is more limited this year than previously, only the most impressive, audience friendly and well thought out topics that are linked to the future -theme will be included. The Speaker’s Stage programme will be live streamed online. Suggestions for factual programme will be accepted through 30 November via the online form.  

Organisations can also make suggestions for kid’s programme, exhibitions, workshops, performances and other cultural programme numbers. Our hope is that the cultural programme is also linked to the future-theme as much as possible. Suggestions for cultural programme will be accepted until 30 November 2020 via the online form.  

Read more about programme cooperation.  

Price list and map have been published 

Price list for exhibitor stands, partner packages, bazaar stands and advertising spaces has been published. Also a tentative map of the festival venue is now public. If your organisation is interested in programme cooperation you can read more about it from the presentation held for festival stakeholders.

Sign up as an exhibitor starting from 2.11. and 1.12. 

Exhibitors can start signing up for larger stands, partner packages and theme stands on 2.11.2020. Signing up for small and bazaar stands opens on 1.12.2020. Deadline for signing up as an exhibitor is 22.2.2021.

Signing up as an exhibitor is done through the signup form on the festival website. Please also note the Early Bird discount, valid through 21 December 2020.  

Please join us in making the next World Village Festival a unique and unforgettable sustainable development and culture event that highlights the role of civil society, offers something for the whole family, and inspires thoughtful debates and discussions!

The festival will happen no matter what, either as a live festival in Suvilahti, possibly with limited attendance and activities, or as a virtual event, depending on the Covid-19 restrictions in place at the time of the festival.

More information 

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